What We Do
CELC is action-oriented. We assist the employer community on most major employment law issues — filing amicus briefs in the state and federal courts, proactively supporting legislation in Sacramento, opposing legislation which is not in the employer’s interest, preparing white papers, conducting educational programs for member companies, and providing up-to-date information on breaking issues. Our efficiency and focus differentiate us from general employer associations. And our measured, refined approach has earned us the respect of courts and legislators across the state.
Amicus Briefs in Critical Cases
When significant adverse decisions come down from the courts of appeal, or when the California Supreme Court agrees to hear an important case, CELC takes action as the voice for California employers. We retain the finest management-employment law firms in California to draft amicus briefs. And these have helped shape the law in important areas.
On issues of significance to our members, we have the ability to get amicus briefs done quickly. These briefs are distributed to all members. And our law firm associate members prepare them on a flat-fee basis that is far less than the normal hourly rates.
Download a sample amicus brief
Lobbying and Legislative Activity
Our organization is recognized as the primary voice for California employers in Sacramento and in the California judiciary. We play a leading role on the key issues — and are involved in both shaping legislation and in forming court opinion.
CELC retains Michael Belote of California Advocates, Inc. as our legislative counsel in Sacramento. He not only works with the legislature and the governor’s office regarding legislation we oppose, but also works to develop legislation favorable to employers.
Over the past two decades, these efforts have been instrumental in defeating a variety of anti-employer legislation, such as wrongful discharge and comparable worth, and in building the CELC’s reputation as a moderate and responsible employer organization.
Educational Programs
CELC educational programs go beyond the basics to explain the nuances of cases, legislation, and regulations — including trends in plaintiff cases, defenses being used, and much more. Each year, we offer a wide variety of educational programs for members, including:
- Regular, quarterly briefings on key employment law issues, led by partners at our law firm associate members.
- A two-day educational event that coincides with our annual meeting. Open only to our members and their invited guests, this event attracts some of the finest management-employment lawyers and human resources professionals as speakers. This is a “safe” forum of like-minded, in-house personnel — with no plaintiff’s counsel and no law firms pitching for business.
- A one-day summer program targeted especially to the needs of HR professionals. It is offered twice — once in Northern California and once in Southern California.
- Issues briefings and regular updates to keep members informed on breaking developments in California employment law.
Networking and Interaction
One of the great benefits of CELC membership is the ability to share information, questions and concerns with other members — and do so in a collegial environment. Not only will you have the opportunity to network and create relationships with peers who are facing similar challenges, you will also be able to benchmark your company’s approach against that of other major employers.